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On January 18, 2001 a single Bluefin Tuna was sold for a record $140,000 2.fHere is an actual path to market for  fresh Tuna& 440A boat can take 1 week to get to the fishing area, fish for 1 week and take 1 week back It can take 1 to 2 days to process and pack the fish It can take 1 to 3 days in transit to get to the distributor 1 to 3 days to get to the seafood store or restaurant 1 to 3 days before it is served to the public After 25 days, as long as it never been frozen, this fish can still be called  fresh Z RFor tuna to be top quality it has to be& **0Caught properly Processed and iced while on the boat Shipped to the end customer as soon as possible Consumed as soon as possible A problem with any of these steps may cause the tuna to be unusable  Frozen Tuna 0When tuna is frozen using conventional methods, the flesh turns brown and dry This frozen tuna may be acceptable for cooking or canning but it loses most of its appeal It is totally unacceptable for sashimi  In Japan, Most Tuna is Frozen(In Japan, tuna is frozen and stored in special -75F freezers This freezing method maintains the desired characteristics Freezing and holding fish at these low temperatures is expensive and is impractical outside of Japan Customer RequirementsConsistent superior product quality Predictable competitive prices Consistent supply Consistent sizing Have it on hand when they need it No shrink  The Answer 0oCryofresh is a revolutionary seafood processing technology patented by Hawaii International Seafood, Inc.pp&What s Cryofresh ?(0 0 Cryofresh utilizes filtered wood smoke to capture the vitality of seafood in a  live state with no degradation to color or cell structure These super premium products can be stored in standard -10F freezers for up to 9 months and have a thawed shelf life of 3 to 5 days 71 Our ProcesswStart with Good Raw Product Trim Skin & Bloodline Cut into Steaks Treat with our patented Tasteless Smoke Pack & Freeze jZx !Retention of CharacteristicsZBWhen Tuna is treated with chilled  Tasteless Smoke it retains its fresh characteristics during freezing Normal decomposition occurs after the product is thawed0Z Product StrengthsX Spectacular QualityThe color and texture must be experienced to be believed The flavor is so good that top corporate chefs around the world have added Cryofresh to their menu"  Consistent SizemCryofresh is available in random or portion controlled sizes Competitive, consistent price and supply Regardless of season, weather or phase of the moon, the price and availability hold constant The skin, bones and blood line have been removed so you only pay for useable product Surface shipping a frozen product is 1/10 the cost of an air shipped fresh product 0g " 2g Other SpeciestThe first question people ask us is  How did you guys do that? That is always followed by  What else can I get? Any fish can be frozen with superior results using the Cryofresh process We are always pursuing production of new species, we are currently offering Tuna Swordfish Snapper Grouper Mahi Shark Tilapia *Z3Z3SummaryCryofresh is a revolutionary seafood processing technology process patented by Hawaii International Seafood s president, Bill Kowalski Cryofresh produces seafood with spectacular color and flavor These exceptional products can be stored in standard -10 F freezers for up to 9 months and have a thawed shelf life of 3 to 5 days The price and supply is consistent and competitive Tuna and Swordfish are available as Steaks and Loins Other species such as Marlin, Snapper, Mahi and Grouper are also available ZFor More Information0Hawaii International Seafood, Inc. corporate offices are located in Honolulu, Hawaii Our Mainland phone number is (248) 608-6963 Our Mainland fax number is (248) 726-7643P  ` f9993̙` f999̙f` 999___>?" dd@6x?" 2d@Pd @` n?" dd@   @@``PR    @ ` ` p>>   j(   X S ~xgֳgֳ pԔp8c?  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